Corona Virus Impact

Dear BCI Family,

With this communication we wish to inform you that the  lockdown due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) have impacted  our growing economy.

We have recognized that many of our businesses are being severely impacted by the lockdown and the subsequent situation of COVID-19. People are avoiding money spending and home and business health is going to hit very badly day by day. The safety and health of our members is of great concern; however, we’re also very much concerned about the health of the businesses which is heading for economic and GDP loss to nation.

It really pains us a lot to hear of longstanding stores and businesses having to shut their doors, or layoff their employees. Daily wages community is going back to their home town. Some people are working from home and are struggling a lot with the present situation. Our members, our advisors and our community—all of us are being impacted by these unprecedented events. And businesses are having to make incredibly tough decisions to recover the losses caused by this COVID-19.

The main factors for the business loss recovery will be more government spending, more credit line to be given by banks and more barter trade.

When we started BCI National Exchange, our dream was to create a community where businesses helped businesses. One of the most important part is that we help each other when things are thriving, as well as when they are not.

We have thousands of business enterprise members, we have hundreds of Business Growth Advisors and together, we can help improve our businesses.

Our team is working from home and out of home as well, and let’s connects like never before and helps each other get through this. With great challenge, comes great opportunity.

We should be prepared for new business challenges and are giving a call for new business solutions. Finally, please don’t hesitate to let us know how our team and I can help you in the coming days – just leave a reply to this email and share your biggest struggle.

We are proud to be a part of this community and I’m proud to serve this community.

With Kindest Regards,

Founder-Barter Club India
